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History vs. Henry VIII - Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler
136 Academic Words Ref from "Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler: History vs. Henry VIII | TED Talk"
47 Advanced Academic Words Ref from "Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler: History vs. Henry VIII | TED"
History vs. Augustus - Peta Greenfield & Alex Gendler
136 Academic Words Quick Look Ref from "Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler: History vs. Henry VIII, TED"
Henry VIII and his divorce from Catherine of Aragon
History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte - Alex Gendler
King Henry VIII: The Church and The Reformation
The wars that inspired Game of Thrones - Alex Gendler
How the Normans changed the history of Europe - Mark Robinson
History vs. Richard Nixon - Alex Gendler
History vs. Cleopatra - Alex Gendler